Tiscali - the beginning of the end?
Dominic Negus
Tiscali Customer Services
PO Box 7206
Kiln Farm
MK14 6XG
27 March 2007
Dear Mr Negus,
RE: Complaint - Customer Code *****
I am writing to follow up my written complaint of the 19th February 2007, and the various calls I have made to your Customer Service line in the interim.
I am astonished that nobody from Tiscali has taken the time to contact me regarding this complaint. I have spent a significant amount of my time and money on making phone calls to you; all I wanted was a written response to the issues I raised in my last letter, namely:
- The breach of data protection by which the previous tenant of my property was allowed to cancel my Internet provision
- The disruption and potential loss of earnings caused by the fact that myself and my partner have not had any Internet access for the last six weeks
In addition, I would appreciate an explanation as to why I have not had any contact from you or your Customer Service team since my initial contact with you. I had called on the 16th March to find out when I could expect a response to this complaint, and was told that one had been drafted, and I could expect to receive it in the “next few days”. When I spoke to your Customer Service representative Ruth on Saturday morning (24th March), she said that it looked as though the fact that I had made the call meant that it was no longer deemed necessary to send me a letter to explain the situation.
I would like to reiterate that in the interim, I have been very patient, and I have continued to pay my Tiscali bills. Part of the reason I signed with Tiscali was your reputation for good customer service – I was obviously mistaken, as you do not even see fit to respond to such complaints. My patience has now run out, and I will be looking elsewhere for my Internet and telephone provision.
Furthermore, if I do not receive a written response from you within the next 14 days, I will assume that you are not interested in responding, and I will contact Ofcom, to seek their advice (with particular regard to the data protection issue and your lack of interest in responding to customer complaints).
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely etc etc