Thursday, March 22, 2007

AXA PPP - the saga continues

Sorry to go on about this, but here is the latest chapter - this time they have replied!

15 March 2007

Dear Ms Roberts,

RE: Policy no ******

I am once again writing to follow up my previous letter of the 19th February 2007.

It has been nearly four weeks since my second letter, and I am still waiting for a response. I am astonished that you do not even acknowledge such complaints.

I am writing to make you aware that if I do not hear from you by the end of March, I will follow one or both of the following routes:

- Seeking legal advice regarding the manner in which Nicola was signed up to this policy

- Contacting the media regarding your practices

I would also like to remind you that I used to work in the complaints department of a direct marketing firm, so feel well-informed and justified that your practices in this case are not legitimate.

We are not seeking any form of recompense, merely a written apology and an assurance that this incident will be investigated, and that you will take steps to ensure that such practices are not continued.

I am aware that you may not have replied as you do not wish to be seen to be breaching data protection guidelines - as such, I have asked Nicola to co-sign this letter to show that she authorises me to act on her behalf.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding this issue.

Yours sincerely etc etc

Lo and behold, yesterday I received the following:

Thank you for your letter of the 15 March which has been forwarded to this department for reply.

Your letter has now been passed to one of our Customer Relations Executives, who will reply within the next ten working days. We will let you know if we need longer than this.

Yours sincerely etc etc

Amazing how they obviously hoped that I would give up, and how they sat up and took notice when I threatened to go to the media! Please note that I hate that kind of threat, it was very much a last resort - remember that the above was my third letter to them on this subject...


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