The Daily Grind
As many of you may know, despite living in Nottingham, I work for UCE Birmingham. According to my dashboard computer, it is 52.6 miles each way. It usually takes me about an hour each way, although I try and time my journeys so I avoid the traffic.
This morning it took me three hours between leaving the house and getting to my desk. The M1 was clogged, so everyone took the M42. When I tried to leave the M42, the A453 was clogged because everyone who usually took the M42 tried to take the A38 instead.
The moral of the story? Don't commute if you can avoid it - I will be expanding on those thoughts in a forthcoming article on the BBC Nottingham website...
ADDENDUM - 26th April
Just to let you know that it took an hour and forty minutes to get home last night. So I was at work for six hours (luckily I had some time in lieu so I won't have to play "catch-up" too much), and spent nearly five hours on the road.
This morning it took me an hour and a half to get to work. For the first time since I started commuting (sixteen months ago), it is really starting to get on my wick...