Rish's Diary
About the trials and tribulations of life: working, commuting, music and living in the 21st Century.
For football-related blogposts, see Nottingham Forest Blog
For reviews of music, films and more, see ReVued
Friday, October 26, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
In safe hands
This was sent to me recently - I have to confess that I have no idea whether it is true or not...
Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than
600 employees and has the following employee statistics?
29 have been accused of spouse abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
9 have been accused of writing bad cheques
17 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
3 have done time for assault
71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
84 have been arrested for drink driving in the last year
Which organisation is this?
It's the 635 members of the House of Commons, the same group that
cranks out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of
us in line.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Extracts from Council Housing Complaint Letters
Again, sent to me by a colleague...
I want some repairs done to my cooker as it has backfired and burned my knob off.
I wish to report that tiles are missing from the outside toilet roof. I think it was bad wind the other night that blew them off.
My lavatory seat is cracked, where do I stand?
It's the dog's mess that I find hard to swallow.
I am writing on behalf of my sink, which is coming away from the wall.
Will you please send someone to mend the garden path. My wife tripped and fell on it yesterday and now she is pregnant.
I request permission to remove my drawers in the kitchen.
50% of the walls are damp, 50% have crumbling plaster and 50% are plain filthy.
I am still having problems with smoke in my new drawers.
The toilet is blocked and we cannot bath the children until it is cleared.
Will you please send a man to look at my water, it is a funny colour and not fit to drink.
Our lavatory seat is broken in half and is now in three pieces.
Our kitchen floor is damp. We have two children and would like a third so please send someone round to do something about it.
I am a single woman living in a downstairs flat and would you please do something about the noise made by the man on top of me every night.
Please send a man with the right tool to finish the job and satisfy my wife.
This is to let you know that our lavatory seat is broke and we can't get BBC2.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Dear Dogs and Cats...
Sent to me by a colleague...
To be posted VERY LOW on the refrigerator door - nose height...
Dear Dogs and Cats,
The dishes with the paw print are yours and contain your food. The other dishes are mine and contain my food. Please note, placing a pawprint in the middle of my plate and food does not stake a claim for it becoming your food and dish, nor do I find that aesthetically pleasing in the slightest.
The stairway was not designed by NASCAR and is not a racetrack. Beating me to the bottom is not the object. Tripping me doesn't help because I fall faster than you can run.
I cannot buy anything bigger than a king sized bed. I am very sorry about this. Do not think I will continue sleeping on the couch to ensure your comfort. Dogs and cats can actually curl up in a ball when they sleep. It is not necessary to sleep perpendicular to each other stretched out to the fullest extent possible. I also know that sticking tails straight out and having tongues hanging out the other end to maximize space is nothing but sarcasm.
For the last time, there is not a secret exit from the bathroom. If by some miracle I beat you there and manage to get the door shut, it is not necessary to claw, whine, meow, and try to turn the knob or get your paw under the edge and try to pull the door open. I must exit through the same door I entered. Also, I have been using the bathroom for years -- canine or feline attendance is not required.
The proper order is kiss me, then go smell the other dog or cat's butt. I cannot stress this enough!
To pacify you, my dear pets, I have posted the following message on our front door:
To All Non-Pet Owners Who Visit & Like to Complain About Our Pets:
1. They live here. You don't.
2. If you don' t want their hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture. (That's why they call it "fur"niture.)
3. I like my pets a lot better than I like most people.
4. To you, it's an animal. To me, he/she is an adopted son/daughterwho is short, hairy, walks on all fours and doesn't speak clearly.
Remember: In many ways, dogs and cats are better than kids because they:
1. Eat less
2. Don't ask for money all the time
3. Are easier to train
4. Normally come when called
5. Never ask to drive the car
6. Don't hang out with drug-using friends
7. Don't smoke or drink
8. Don't have to buy the latest fashions
9. Don't want to wear your clothes
10. Don't need a "gazillion" dollars for college.
And finally,
11. If they get pregnant, you can sell their children.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Its base was oh-so wide
I do not understand why anybody would change their name to something that would become rhyming slang - however, what is done is done, and it remains to be seen whether Stewart Copeland will incorporate an extra floor-tom into his drumkit so that he can write, "Sting is a James Blunt".
My opinion of Mr Blunt is pretty much summed-up in this offereing by Weird Al Yankovic:
However, it appears that everyone's favourite ex-soldier-turned-warbler has gone some way to redeeming himself, and there is no better way than by appearing on Sesame Street:
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
In a world where it is getting harder and harder to find the good music that is out there, Popworld on Channel 4 gently mocked those musicians who were in it for the fame, as much as the music. I found this gentle, and slightly reverential, article about the now-defunct show and its ex-presenters.