Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I don't want to get political about it, but I have always found the veil a curious thing. Mainly because I don't understand why it is OK for women wearing a veil to walk into a bank, but motorcyclists have to remove their helmets.

One of the oft-cited reasons for women wearing the veil is that it is their way of demonstrating their modesty and self-respect as part of their devotion to God. It is a similar sort of reasoning behind people covering their head (which I believe is called the niqab).

This is what made it more surprising to see two young people in the car park at work snogging and pawing at each other. Both were young people of Asian origin, I would have guessed from the man's features that he might have been a Pakistani Muslim (at least in origin). I couldn't see the girl very well due to her headscarf.

I have never seen this before. I try not to judge (I find snogging in public fairly distasteful most of the time), but it just struck me as a little ironic - modesty v. snogging your boyfriend in public...

Off-topic: Yesterday's post was my hundredth since I started this blog!


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