Belle and Sebastian
They are currently my favourite band. I really like the transformation they have made in the last few years. I believe that this is down to a combination of: Bel and Stuart David leaving the band (and the subsequent signing up of the brilliant Bob Kildea); leaving Jeepster Records for Rough Trade; and getting some proper producers in.
"Dear Catastrophe Waitress" was produced by the pop-producer extraordinaire that is Trevor Horn; "The Life Pursuit" is produced by rocker Tony Hoffer. Both have left their stamp on the respective records (see the pop brilliance of "I'm a cuckoo" or the glam-ness of "The blues are still blue" to illustrate this). And crucially, both producers have added a professional edge which brings the best out of the songwriting and performance on the records.
I went to see them live about a month ago - I didn't have time to write a proper review. Their live show still borders on a little shambolic (I think Stu is a little too keen to impress sometimes, a trap that I have often fallen into when onstage!), but they have tightened up considerably, they show their abilities as multi-instrumental musicians (although too much instrument swapping for my liking). And most of all, it meant that I liked the new record before I even bought it!
The new album is very overtly retro - very glam in places, with some moments that sound like B & S doing the Charlatans doing the Stones, but there is some great guitar and bass work on there, and some cracking harmonies. However, I strongly recommend it as an antidote to some of the overproduced pop and rawk nonsense that is currently filling our airwaves.
Oh, and just to add to that, "Funny Little Frog" is the first record I have heard in ages where the lyrics have really inspired me - hurrah!