Don't you hate it when?
Men have different toilet rules to women - most obviously, we don't go together. However, there are other rules which many women seem unaware of. The one that comes to mind is that, if there are three urinals in a row, never use the middle one unless the other two are in use and you are desperate. To do otherwise would suggest that you are quite happy for someone to sidle in close to you, in an obviously vulnerable position. The same goes for toilet cubicles (although, if it was a matter of choice, one would only deal with such issues in the comfort of one's own home).
Anyway, the point of this post is to raise an issue that women do not have to face. A blocked urinal can be lethal - you are standing there, minding your own business, when you suddenly notice the "water" level rising. It is out of your control as to whether you will finish before you end up splashing on your shoes. And there is often little or no way to predict beforehand whether the urinal is going to put you in such a perilous position...
By bizarre coincidence, the urinal (there is only one) in our gents at work developed a blockage yesterday - no idea how it got started but someone had obviously tried tried to clear it by puoring clean water into it because there was a pool of the stuff sitting in the bowl. We called a plumber and just avoided using it, and then today somebody came in for a meeting, didn't notice the problem, tried to use it and . . . you can guess the rest.
One other rule you haven't mentioned that springs to mind - not letting other guys hear your noises. Funny really, because I have absolutely no compunction about farting in public, but put me in a public loo and I'll clench until it's agony to ensure that there is no one around to hear when I let go. Recently I almost missed a train from Leeds to London because of just such an incident in the Crowne Plaza.
By the way, contrary to appearances, I can actually spell - just keep typing these comments late at night whne I'm not concentrating properly.
Without giving too much away about my habits, I feel a similar, erm, pressure. Also, if other people come into the toilets when I am in a cubicle, then I tend to stay put until there is no-one around.
I did break the golden rule about not using a middle cubicle - the cleaners very helpfully leave the lid down when they have finished, so it was a direct choice between using an end cubicle that had already been used, or using the clean middle one. No contest really, even if it did break the unwritten rule...
The gents' still hasn't been fixed, by the way, so this morning I broke what could be described as the golden unwritten rule, and used the Ladies'.
The nearest gents are either downstairs or in the adjoining building (and the ones downstairs smell). Once, when it was late, there was no-one else around, and I was desperate, I used the ladies (located on this floor). The level of cleanliness was similar, but the ladies get a refreshing bowl of pot pourri - heaven forbid the ladies' toilets should smell...
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