Sunday, July 01, 2007

Hangin' over

OK, the last in today's flurry of posting - I promised myself that I would do as little as possible today, after a a tiring few weeks - but I got bored, and fed up of just sitting in front of the TV for the Princess Diana concert.

We went out on Friday night; I spent most of Saturday feeling sorry for myself. I don't drink very much very often, which means that when I do, it means the hangover definitely makes an impact.

I have never been one to make the kneejerk proclamation of, "I am never drinking again". When I was at university, I occasionally said that I wouldn't drink again for a couple of weeks, and I always managed it. But this time, I am really thinking about whether I want the hangover, and whether I really need alcohol to have a good time. The answers are, "no" and "no".

Other factors to consider are that my girlfriend does not drink (not out of principle, she just doesn't really like the taste); out of my group of friends, many of them do not drink; if I don't drink, it means that I can drive, therefore saving long waits at wet bus stops, and extortionate cab rides home (fighting the ASBO kids in the taxi queue). Of course, there is also the question of vanity; I am now nearer to 30 than 20, and have reached the stage in life where the shape of my stomach doesn't lie, so I can probably live without the calorific value and bloating effects of the booze (although after a hard day at work, a cold bottle of beer is a great way to unwind on a warm summer's evening).

Anyway, I have made my decision, and from today, the 1st July 2007, I am not going to get drunk anymore. But I will still enjoy the occasional beer or G&T - I believe in moderation, so I don't feel the need to cut out the alcohol completely, just like I still enjoy the occasional KFC. However, if we are going out, I will drive, therefore I won't be able to drink; I will not buy any more alcohol for the house; I tend not to drink alcohol with meals anyway, as I find I don't enjoy the food as much (and I don't like wine), so that won't be a problem.

On 1st January 2008, I will review this; if I have not missed it, then I will consider whether I will drink at all.


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